Posts Tagged ‘Influences’
The artist’s way
This week I juggle several balls in the air and try not to drop one. I am painting large canvases in preparation for an exhibition in October. The painting is always deeply satisfying but then I need to paint the edges and give each canvas a coat of varnish, attach wire for hanging, print labels, photograph etc. I am also...
Read moreThe influence of nature
The moral influence of nature upon every individual is that amount of truth which it illustrates to him. Who can estimate this? Who can guess how much firmness the sea-beaten rock has taught the fisherman? how much tranquillity has been reflected to man from the azure sky, over whose unspotted deeps the winds forevermore drive flocks of stormy clouds, and...
Read moreChiko
This is the pony that started it all. After he died I wrote some really bad poetry and then one year later I began writing his story, scribbled in note books in-between teaching horse riding lessons. They say write about what you know but I also believe you have to write from who you are. At the time I wrote the horse...
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