Artist / Sculptor

Author / Illustrator

Liliana Stafford

Artist/sculptor, author/illustrator.

I am a story teller and multimedia artist.

I create books, art and sculpture working in different mediums: tissue paper, glass, stone,paper clay, fibre (willow) and ink. My work is inspired by  normal everyday happenings and by seen and unseen world’s colliding – referencing simultaneously the natural world and layered human relations.

I am fascinated by : an invisible wind moving a visible leaf and messages that arrive at midnight demanding to be heard.

My works are created using techniques that seek to purposefully bypass the critical mind. I  scribble in notebooks, draw with my non-dominant hand and play with wire, fibre and paper clay. Lately I find myself carving soapstone birds and working in glass.

I do things badly in my own way~ Greyson Perry

I am concerned for  those who struggle to belong whether from race, gender, class or disability. As a storyteller I strive to create a safe place for all of us.

Creation takes place through proficiency, passion and the joy of play~ Geta Bratescu

Art is how I translate the world around me.On an ordinary day I move from painting,  sculpture, writing, glass and installation.

My latest passions are soapstone carving, paper clay and glass. I also love birds.

If you want to know more search these pages or sign up for my newsletter.

If you want to see my work visit  Da Raw Nature studio/gallery Henry St Fremantle.