Artist / Sculptor

Author / Illustrator

The test that is an exhibition


Six of my paintings are in the Freedom School exhibition at the Moores building in Fremantle.

Leading up to the exhibition there is a drive to create new work. Then comes the decision making as to which works make the cut, then the excitement of opening night and then the introspection and soul searching.

Why didn’t a work sell?

Where to from here?

Exhibitions are always worthwhile, especially group exhibitions where you get to spend time with other artists’s work.

Out of the soul searching comes a new drive to either stay with a new direction or abandon it for something else.

More and more I feel the story teller emerging through my art.

I ask myself what it is I want to say and then I explore how to begin.

Townsville came out of my trip there for the play.

The town sits in the landscape and doesn’t dominate. The joy of the play is mixed up with the joy of being somewhere tropical and sunny. The two are connected.

Townsville  Acrylic and watercolour sticks on canvas100x85cm

Townsville Acrylic and watercolour sticks on canvas100x85cm

My memories and feelings are held in the art. I am grateful.

Posted in Happenings

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